Guaranteed to make you look up to 10 years younger!
A similar product to our ever-popular Art Harding Facelift Kit, however, a slightly different construction, which some users may prefer:
The Fulford kit is an instant Face-Neck-Eye lift!
Truly, an amazing product that works, the moment it's applied.
This lift will show you what you might look like IF you had an expensive facelift!
With elastics that aren't preset. You determine the amount of tightness you need!

I'll admit I was skeptical but - it works!

The photos are real, untouched, before and afters...
How to use
There are 3 different ways to wear this lift
Lateral eyelift
Sideburn facelift
Watch the application videos below for more information.

Video 5

Video 3

Facelift Trick-Video One
What does the Instant Face Lift feel like?
Customers have made the analogy between the Instant Face Lift and a good bra. A proper fit and supportive, you may at first be aware you have it on but soon you're wearing it. The Instant Face Lift and Neck Lift should not pinch or pull as these are signs of improper application. The device should lift the skin NOT pull and that is why we recommend you sit down and read through the directions at least once before use.
How often can I use it?
The Instant Face Lift was designed to allow for the lifestyles of every woman. Some wear it on a daily basis while others opt for use on special occasions. Please note that each application requires a new set of tapes and that is why the kit comes with 20 pairs of tape. Refill tapes can be ordered.
How long can I wear the Face Lift?
The device is secure enough that actresses often wear it 13 hours a day under hot studio lights. We recommend up to 12 hours a day for optimal results.
Will it come off unexpectedly?
The Instant Face Lift should remain comfortable and secure as long as directions for application are followed and a new set of adhesives are applied with each use to clean, dry, and oil-free skin.
How is it hidden? How can I prevent the tapes from showing?
The translucent surgical grade, hypoallergenic adhesive used with the Instant Face Lift is one inch in size and once applied is very much like a second skin. Applied generally at the top of the jawline where the sideburns begin, the matte finish makes it easy to conceal if your hair is long or on short hair styled with sufficient sideburns. The Neck Lift requires long enough hair to cover the tape on the neck.